Friday, August 10, 2012

Trip to Florida!

One of my absolute favorite parts of this summer was my trip to Florida to visit my friend Kristin. My ten day trip had been planned for a few months, and we were both excited for our little vacation together. Just a little background information on our friendship: Prior to my trip, Kristin and I had only met in person one other time. We had talked for numerous hours on Facebook, texted frequently, and spoke on the phone a few times. We met online on Facebook via a Company support page for the Army. Kristin and I found that we had a lot in common and have become very close friends since then. Some people might find it weird that we met online and have gotten so close, and that's okay...but the things we find we have in common make us laugh sometimes. For example, our parents have the same rugs in their houses and we used to have the same shower curtains as well. Yes, weird and extremely random.

Anyway, when I went to visit Kristin, her husband was away at training for the Army and it was truly a girls vacation together. The weather was not extremely kind to us the first few days I was there, but we went to the beach anyway, despite the cloudy skies.

Kristin taught me many things while I was in Florida. The first of these was how to skim-board. I guess I should say she attempted to teach me to do many things. I made a fool out of myself every time I fell or completely missed the board, but it provided for a good laugh at least!
Pretending I know what I'm doing

Kristin, looking like a pro

Another thing Kristin taught me was how to find sand dollars in the ocean. I didn't even know these things were live creatures until my trip! I found a few and of course got some pictures holding them.
Sand dolla dolla bills!

A few other things that Kristin taught me that I sadly didn't document with pictures were how to cook spaghetti squash (one of my new favorite meals!) and that I need to be in much better shape to attempt a boot camp class again. I'd say I was sore for a few days after that one!

I sometimes struggle when I run and discovered that it mostly happens when I have not hydrated enough. Kristin got me in the habit of carrying around a gallon of water wherever I go. It has made a HUGE difference in my running. And people think I'm even stranger than they did before. Hey, you win some you lose some!

The weekend I was in Florida, we traveled from Fort Myers (where Kristin lived) and drove to Daytona Beach to visit my friend Becky from college. Saturday we drove to Orlando and I got to experience Disney World for the first time! I wish I could say it was everything I hoped it would be and more, but it stormed a lot while we were there and a lot of the rides were closed. Thankfully we still got to see one of the shows at the castle, ride a few of the really good rides, and I got to hang out with Dumbo. Even though it stormed and we got soaked, I really did have an awesome time with these ladies. I am hoping to go back sometime when it is not storming and experience all that "The Happiest Place on Earth" has to offer!
Trying on fun hats with Kristin

Me, Becky, and Kristin in front of the castle

Kristin, Becky, and I spent the rest of the weekend just relaxing and hanging out. We witnessed yet another storm on Sunday evening as we were cooking a delicious meal. Becky demonstrated her cooking skills which may lead to a cooking show of her very own, and Kristin showed us that she may have a future as a stunt double (I will have to figure out how to upload these videos!). Monday morning we sadly said goodbye to Becky and headed back to Fort Myers...but not before a stop at some AWESOME outlets!

Trying on clothes at the outlets

Back in Fort Myers it was fun getting dressed up and having some girls nights out and just hanging out with a good friend. I can honestly say that this wasn't one of those vacations where I had a good time but was ready to go home when the time came. Had I not already booked a round-trip flight, I probably would have stayed in Florida longer. This was truly one of the best vacations I've ever taken, because I was able to relax and have fun. I never really thought about what it would be like to live near the beach, but now that I've experienced ten days of it, I think I could get used to it ;) Kristin has since moved to North Carolina and I am hoping to visit her there sometime very soon! Oh, and Kristin and I recorded a cover together. You can watch it here!

Beach bar!

Before we went out one night 

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