Monday, July 19, 2010

Bucket List

Tonight was my dreaded night class. This class, in particular, sort of makes me want to gouge my eyes out. Given the fact that I am leaving for my vacation to West Virginia on Saturday, I decided that making a packing list would be a wise use of my time.

A page later, I realized that it might take less time to make a list of the things I will not be packing (I tend to be one of those over-packers). Since that's not exactly useful, I came up with the bright idea of creating a "Bucket List," which has been on my Bucket List to do for quite awhile. So since I'm starting my new blog and all, I thought I would share it with all of you. So here we go:

My Bucket List:
  1. Pet a koala in Australia
  2. Go skydiving
  3. Sit in floor seats at a Cavs game (yes, I'm still a fan!)
  4. Have a picnic in Central Park
  5. Sing the national anthem at a professional sports game (preferably the Cavs)
  6. Go swimming with dolphins
  7. Ride an elephant!
  8. Completely finish writing a song
  9. Make a scrapbook of college
  10. Visit the Bean in Chicago (and take lots of fun pictures!)
  11. Help Chris find his biological mom
  12. Visit the Mall of America (without breaking the bank!)
  13. Climb a volcano in Hawaii
  14. Go swimming (slash floating) in the Dead Sea
  15. Kiss Chris under the Eiffel Tower
  16. Go to Times Square for New Years Eve
  17. Visit Carlo's Bakery (you know, from Cake Boss!)
  18. Go ice skating outside at Christmas-time
  19. Camp out in the backyard
  20. Do all of the touristy things in Hollywood
  21. Spend a week with the girls in Vegas
  22. Throw an anniversary party for my parents with my sister, Erin (shh, don't tell! And Mom, since I know you're reading this, pretend you don't know)
  23. Learn how to cook some of my mom's specialties
  24. Read the Bible all the way through

Some are more complicated than others, but I'd still like to do them all. I'm sure I will be adding to the list in the future, as well! Have a great Monday night!


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