Friday, July 30, 2010


Yes, I know I'm lame and somewhat of an old lady, but I absolutely LOVE coupons!

Today I went grocery shopping (like REAL grocery shopping) for the first time in probably about a month. Naturally, this meant I needed to buy LOTS of stuff. Considering the fact that I'm running on a pretty tight budget right now (the whole lack of income thing really stinks!), I decided to cut out some coupons to add to my collection before I left. Needless to say, between my Giant Eagle Advantage Card (if you shop there, get one!) and my coupons, I saved $22.61. That's almost enough to fill my gas tank (which I did upon leaving the store)! So for all of you who make fun of me and my old lady ways, maybe it's time you start clipping!

On a side note, I may or may not have looked like a cat lady checking out with FOUR bags of cat treats. What can I say? I missed my kitty while I was in West Virginia AND I had some expiring coupons!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think you are officially a "cat lady" until you have more than 3 cats and live alone.
