Thursday, September 16, 2010

Update and Thoughts on Life

So I've been told I need to update my blog, and I guess there is a lot to update all of my thousands of readers on (riiiiight), so I might as well do it now.

Since the last time I've posted, I've been crazy with school and work and trying to get things done for both. This has left me slightly stressed out, but not too bad yet (knock on wood!). Last Friday I was able to have a carefree day of fun with my good friend, Mrs. Elizabeth Cereshko (I love saying your new last name!). We had lunch, did some damage at the mall, and ended our day with a chick-flick. Needless to say, it was a great time filled with lots of laughs, as usual. It feels so great to have such wonderful friends! I am truly blessed!

This past week, things got a little more intense at my internship/work. Computer problems were finally fixed so I was able to actually complete some tasks for my GA position so now I don't feel like things are piling up on me. On top of that, I actually started working with my own clients! I have to admit, I was super nervous for my first session, and I will probably continue to be nervous for a little while. However, I am feeling much better now that I have two sessions under my belt. I was working with a client today who has been having a rough time lately, and it felt so great just to be there for someone and help them through a difficult period in their life. It is such a wonderful feeling! I can't wait to have many more days like this! It is so exciting to finally be applying everything I have learned and worked for over the years. I thank God for showing me that this is my calling in life and I am now so confident that this is His will for me!

Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky. Things have been so great for me lately, and at times I feel as though I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. It almost feels like something bad has to happen at some point. Isn't that how it always works? I think right now I am just discovering that I am truly happy with all aspects of my life. Sure, it would be nice to have a little more time to myself or to sleep or to relax, but at the end of the day, I am doing what I love and I am surrounded by wonderful people that I love and provide with amazing love and support in return. I'm not going to wait around dreading the day that something bad happens because, let's face it, something will happen, but I know I can handle it. Things won't always be perfect, there will be rainy days, but I am realizing more and more that at the end of the day, I have all the happiness in the world and that's all I need to get through the tough times.

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