No, no, don't get the wrong idea. Clothes will be involved in the making of all blogs. I just thought it might be fun to start a blog to share with the world (or those that care!) the happenings of my oh-so exciting life!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Speak Now
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
4 Loko Ban
Rumors of a ban have been circulating and have even gone through in many states. The day came for Ohioans today. I have already heard arguments on the ban and people stating that people just need to pay more attention to how much they are drinking, or that the combination of caffeine and alcohol has no effect on them. I have a few points to make on that:
- Yes, people need to pay more attention to what they are drinking, BUT we are also talking about college students. Many just want to get drunk and want to do it as fast as possible. That's where 4 Loko comes in. If they don't realize that they are really drinking the equivalent of SIX drinks instead of one, it could definitely mean trouble.
- Just because a mix of caffeine and alcohol does not effect YOU, that does not mean that it does not effect other people. Let's think about it. Alcohol is a depressant, causing processes in your body to slow. Caffeine is a stimulant, which causes body processes to speed up. Our bodies are not made to process large amount of stimulants and depressants at the same time. Now let's consider someone with a heart problem. Think about two different substances telling your heart to speed up and slow down at the same time. Sound like a good idea?
I personally have never tried 4 Loko and never would because I don't know how it would effect me. I realize that some people can drink it and have no problems. My point however, is that there have been so many problems with this drink and other drinks like it that there is obviously something about it that is unsafe, hence the ban. A point was also made that there are plenty of other alcoholic drinks out there that produce the same buzz/level of drunkenness or what-have-you as 4 Loko. Fine. Drink those. Instead of being concerned about having one less option of things to drink to get wasted, why don't we think about the deaths and serious illnesses that have been caused by drinking it?
I'm not judging anyone who drinks 4 Loko or who disagrees with the ban. All I am saying is that working on a college campus has opened my eyes to how much this drink can impact an individual and if people really took the time to research the issue, they might be surprised.
That is all. Have a great day! =)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Simple Things
1. All week I was looking forward to a date night on Friday with Chris. We were going to get dressed up and go to dinner at Brio, followed by a movie which is one of our favorite things to do but we haven't done in awhile. After a long week for both of us I thought it sounded like the perfect date. Life, however, had other plans. On Thursday evening, Chris informed me that someone had scheduled him an appointment at 7:30 Friday night and that he had to work at 8:00 on Saturday morning, meaning he couldn't be out late. By the time he got home from work, showered, and we got to the restaurant it would have been close to 9:00 and a movie would've made the night super late. I was pretty disappointed. Don't get me wrong, I am so proud of Chris and how successful he has been in his new position at work and know that he has been working really hard to get there, but I was really looking forward to this night out.
So Friday came around and I was meeting a friend at Starbucks to do homework and study on the West-side before Chris got off work. I stopped at the gym to pick up his apartment keys so I wasn't stuck at Starbucks for five hours, and sat by the front desk while I waited for the manager to page Chris, who was working out, to come get me. Chris comes walking to the front from the free weight room with a huge smile on his face, greets me with a "hello gorgeous" and a big hug. Okay, seriously, how could I even be disappointed after that? I left the gym with a huge smile on my face and excited to see Chris when he got off work. We ended up going to dinner at Harry Buffalo where we watched the Cavs beat the 76ers (YAY!) and laughed at everything. Following dinner we went to Blockbuster where we took forever to pick out a movie and finally made it home. Now, I could've been really annoyed by the fact that my boyfriend, who is never cold, didn't even have the heat on, but instead I just looked at it as yet another perfect reason to cuddle up during the movie =)
2. On Saturday I drove to Beachwood to meet my mom, aunt, and cousin for lunch and some shoe shopping. (Side note: I ended up with three pairs of shoes for only $75. Now that is a simple thing to appreciate!) The closer I got to Beachwood, the more snow there was on the ground! I was talking to Chris on the phone and I was literally in shock over how much snow there was--it was like I was seeing snow for the first time! I am not a fan of cold weather or driving in the snow, but it reminded me of Christmas and everything I love about the Christmas season and, despite the fact that the roads are bad and it meant I couldn't drive to have a date with Biz =( I still smiled just thinking about the upcoming holiday season.
3. In the middle of the night Saturday night I was woken up by Bella getting sick. I'm talking like loud puking. Gross, right? Considering it was the middle of the night and the fact that I love sleep, I didn't get out of bed to clean it up because I figured it would still be there in the morning. Well, the idea of cleaning up cat vomit probably doesn't sound like a very motivating reason to get out of bed in the morning, but I will tell you that it wasn't so bad for me this morning. You see, I woke up to find that Bella had neatly covered her puddle of vomit with tissues, one of my new slippers (the rubber sole, thank goodness!), and one of her cat toys. I wish I had thought to take a picture, because the whole thing was so funny to me that I couldn't even be upset about getting out of bed to clean. Sometimes my cat's intelligence is frustrating, but last night it was just highly entertaining and ridiculously cute. I'm not sure if she was trying to clean up her mess or cover it up because she didn't want to be in trouble, but either way, it made me smile.
So yes, those are some random things that happened this weekend that made me smile or just helped me appreciate life a little bit more. They may not be things that other people find entertaining or appreciate at all, but when I spent all day doing homework today, it wasn't so bad because of the other things that happened this weekend that made me smile. On top of that, three out of my four papers/projects I have due next weekend are DONE which means that I can have another wonderful weekend next weekend. Yet another reason to smile =)
Monday, October 25, 2010
And today, I thank the lovely Taylor Swift for releasing yet another wonderful album to give me that extra push I needed to write again. The powerful words she sings and the fact that she isn't scared to say everything she's kept bottled up inside is an inspiration to me to do the same. I have a lot to say that I never thought I'd get a chance to, but I am realizing now that it's time. School is stressful. Music is fun. If I'm going to help others find their outlet, maybe I should make use of my own.
Music heals <3
Off to write.
P.S. Check out Taylor Swift's "Speak Now," out today. You won't regret it.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
I'm addicted to you, don't you know that you're toxic?
And I love what you do
Don't you know that you're toxic?"
-"Toxic" by Britney Spears
Lately I have been examining my own life and the people in it. I have some awesome friends and I will tell anyone any day how blessed I am to have such incredible people in my life. However, I also think about old relationships, romantic or otherwise, and realize how bad they really were for me. Does everyone know what I'm talking about? These people may bring drama to your life, say things specifically meant to hurt you or make you feel bad about yourself, or just make you unhappy in general. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that these are bad people, just that maybe it's best that we don't have a relationship with them at all. That isn't to say that they shouldn't have any friends or any romantic relationships, just that maybe their personalities and our personalities don't mesh well together.
I've been thinking about this a lot lately and have come to terms with some lost friendships and further examined what happened. I had some good times with these people. We laughed, we made memories, they made me happy at times, but there is a reason why these people are no longer in my life. In most instances, a friendship ends because someone was unhappy and hurt. I am not saying that I was the one wronged in all of my lost friendships, because I think it takes two people for something like that to happen. However, my reactions to those people and things that they said to me were not good and not typical of me. I want to surround myself with people who bring out the best in me--not the worst. I feel like I'm not making sense, but hopefully I am!
I guess what I am trying to say is that I am happier now. I do my best not to dwell on lost friendships anymore and am thankful for the good times we had. I don't need people in my life who are going to bring drama to it (who likes that?!) or who are going to take away from my happiness. I think it's easy to get wrapped up in wanting to save a friendship or a relationship that is just plain bad for you because it is what is comfortable or because somehow that person has you convinced that you need them in your life. Don't fall for it. Maybe it's easier said than done and I know I still have work to do on this, but my life is so much happier and carefree without having to worry about people that are going to bring me down. Try it and you will be amazed by what it can do for you!
It's okay to walk away from relationships. It doesn't mean the person you are walking away from is a terrible human being. Both of you deserve to be happy and a relationship filled with drama and toxicity isn't the way to get there!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Leaving on a Jet Plane
So my parents, family friends and I are leaving tomorrow afternoon to drive down to Falls Church, VA where my lovely big sister lives. The 6+ hour drive will probably not be too exciting, but I will be well-prepared with study materials for comps and hopefully a good DVD or two. Hopefully it will at least be productive.
Saturday will be a busy day that will involve a trip into DC, a trip into Georgetown (which will, of course, include some delicious Georgetown Cupcakes! I'm pumped!), and possibly a trip to the National Harbor. Lots to do. Many ridiculous pictures to take. I hope my sister (and my camera!) are prepared. Shopping will also occur. Hopefully my bank account is prepared for that! The Brady sisters+shopping=a very dangerous situation. Hopefully I'll find some good deals!
The only thing I'm sad about is not spending Sweetest Day with the "sweetest" guy I know. Corny, right? I know, I know, it's just a made-up holiday created for card companies to make money, right? Well, then call me a fool for spending money, but any excuse to let my wonderful boyfriend know how much I care about him and how thankful I am to have him around is fine by me! He should expect a card in the mail =)
I think that's about all I have to say for now. Just ready to get through this day at work, have fun tonight, and pack for my trip TOMORROW! Haven't been to visit my sister since July 4th (and boy, wasn't THAT an experience!), so I'm excited to explore NOVA with her, once again. Pictures to come, I'm sure!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Can it Get ANY Better?
Thursday, September 30, 2010
One of Those Nights
I guess it's probably a good thing that I can recognize this trait in myself since it's my job to recognize it in other people and help them see it in themselves. Since I am aware of it I guess that means I can target it and nip it in the bud. We shall see how that works, but for now I am off to sleep!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
That gets me to my next topic. Clothes. I really like them, and purchasing new ones to prepare myself for the changing weather makes me look forward to the cold that is coming just a little bit more. However, my closet is only so big. I mean, it's a decent size, but kind of annoying to get all the way in the back. I have decided once and for all, that my closet needs some upgrades. I don't mean with clothes, I think I have done enough of that lately, but some organization would definitely be great. It's to the point that I think I need to take everything out, sort through it, and put each item back in a logical place. This LOGICAL place may very well be a bag to be sent to Goodwill. I have come to the realization that as much as I think I might wear that shirt that I bought in 2002 again, I most likely won't since I haven't worn it since about 2003. Making the choice of what stays and what goes will prove to be a difficult feat for a person as indecisive as myself, but I am confident that with hard work, dedication, and possibly a good friend to put their foot down, I can overcome this terrible dilemma. My biggest issue right now is going to be finding time to start this daunting task, as it will most likely take the majority of an entire day. Anyone care to come help? =)
Monday, September 20, 2010
Shape it Up!
So tonight I decided to break out my new yoga mat I bought a few weeks ago, not to do yoga, but to do crunches, etc. on the hardwood floors in my apartment. I started with P-90 abs (my DVD is missing...who stole it?!) then moved on to arms and some thighs. I get Cosmo every month and always look at the exercises they have in the Fitness section but I never actually try them. Well that all changed tonight. This month's section was "Erase Arm Flab--Fast." I tried all four of the exercises shown on the page and three out of the four actually worked really well! Tracy Anderson, the trainer who writes the page, suggested using water bottles for the exercises. Because I do not have any plastic water bottles (hello, going green!), I used two cans of soup instead. Still quite the workout! I also looked last month's article, "Thigh-Slimming Secrets," but was disappointed. I could only "feel the burn" in one of the four exercises. Maybe I was doing them wrong. Oh well, can't complain! So anyway, I'm pretty excited about my newly discovered resource for all things fitness. Okay, maybe not all things, but for everything else I could probably go to my personal trainer boyfriend. I'm happy to say that I have probably a year's worth of Cosmo saved so I will be referring to those for some new exercise inspiration. I'm pumped! Hooray for getting into shape and for being able to do so at home!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Update and Thoughts on Life
Since the last time I've posted, I've been crazy with school and work and trying to get things done for both. This has left me slightly stressed out, but not too bad yet (knock on wood!). Last Friday I was able to have a carefree day of fun with my good friend, Mrs. Elizabeth Cereshko (I love saying your new last name!). We had lunch, did some damage at the mall, and ended our day with a chick-flick. Needless to say, it was a great time filled with lots of laughs, as usual. It feels so great to have such wonderful friends! I am truly blessed!
This past week, things got a little more intense at my internship/work. Computer problems were finally fixed so I was able to actually complete some tasks for my GA position so now I don't feel like things are piling up on me. On top of that, I actually started working with my own clients! I have to admit, I was super nervous for my first session, and I will probably continue to be nervous for a little while. However, I am feeling much better now that I have two sessions under my belt. I was working with a client today who has been having a rough time lately, and it felt so great just to be there for someone and help them through a difficult period in their life. It is such a wonderful feeling! I can't wait to have many more days like this! It is so exciting to finally be applying everything I have learned and worked for over the years. I thank God for showing me that this is my calling in life and I am now so confident that this is His will for me!
Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky. Things have been so great for me lately, and at times I feel as though I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. It almost feels like something bad has to happen at some point. Isn't that how it always works? I think right now I am just discovering that I am truly happy with all aspects of my life. Sure, it would be nice to have a little more time to myself or to sleep or to relax, but at the end of the day, I am doing what I love and I am surrounded by wonderful people that I love and provide with amazing love and support in return. I'm not going to wait around dreading the day that something bad happens because, let's face it, something will happen, but I know I can handle it. Things won't always be perfect, there will be rainy days, but I am realizing more and more that at the end of the day, I have all the happiness in the world and that's all I need to get through the tough times.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
On another note, only being half an hour away from Chris (as opposed to an hour like we used to be) has been wonderful. It's so nice getting to see him more often on weekends and even sometimes on weeknights depending on both of our schedules. Last night I walked out of class to find him in the parking lot waiting to go grab a late dinner and hang out with me for a little bit--just because he wanted to surprise me and he missed me. It made my night and was definitely one of the highlights of my week!
My sister is coming into town tomorrow evening for Labor Day weekend, so I am super excited to get to hang out with her for a few days. It should be a good time, and I know my little kitty is excited to see her aunt!
Overall, I'm excited for life right now and what God has in store for the next few months. I am being optimistic and plan on making the most of whatever opportunities I have!
Dream House!
1. His and Hers Sinks (in a bathroom connected to the Master Bedroom, of course):
Let's face it, when I am just waking up in the morning and getting ready to start my day, the last thing I want to do is have to fight for space to brush my teeth, wash my face, etc. I'd like my own space to do my makeup (although a separate counter would work, as well) without having to move every two seconds to allow someone else access to my sink. Also, I've seen guys' sinks before and quite frankly do not want to be anywhere near those messes!

I am loving the counter space here!
I will be completely honest here--I have a lot of clothes, and sometimes I get lazy. What I mean by this is that sometimes at night when I'm getting changed for bed or getting ready for work in the morning, I don't always feel like putting my clothes in the right spot at that moment. This leaves my room cluttered, at times, but gives me a good use for my futon. However, a walk-in closet with lots of space gives you more options for organization, but is also easy to cover up when it gets a bit cluttered. And what woman doesn't dream of having a huge closet?

Lots of room and storage space, as well!
This really doesn't have anything to do with the house itself because you can put a platform bed in any house, but there is just something about these beds that I love! I think they are so unique and fun. Maybe it's just the fact that I've never had larger than a twin bed so I think that a queen- or king-sized platform would be wonderful, who knows! There is probably nothing even that great about them if you ask anyone else. The one bad thing I have heard is that they are not good for people with back problems. In other words, I would hate my back even more with one of these things. Hmm...maybe I can just find a really good one with a great mattress?

I don't know what it is--does anyone else agree with me?
4. Pillars:
Monday, August 30, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Love is In the Air!

Getting a kiss from my handsome date

Perfect ending to their first dance as husband & wife
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Birthdays, Galore!
First of all, getting to see Biz was exciting in itself because I don't see her that often (although with all her wedding stuff, I have lately!), BUT on top of that, it was her birthday so we got to go out and have fun! It was a fun girls night with dinner and drinks followed by dancing at a nearby bar in Downtown Willoughby. The live band was great and played everything from "Poker Face" to "Ice Ice Baby." I can't wait to dance the night away with her again very soon at her WEDDING!


Friday, July 30, 2010
Today I went grocery shopping (like REAL grocery shopping) for the first time in probably about a month. Naturally, this meant I needed to buy LOTS of stuff. Considering the fact that I'm running on a pretty tight budget right now (the whole lack of income thing really stinks!), I decided to cut out some coupons to add to my collection before I left. Needless to say, between my Giant Eagle Advantage Card (if you shop there, get one!) and my coupons, I saved $22.61. That's almost enough to fill my gas tank (which I did upon leaving the store)! So for all of you who make fun of me and my old lady ways, maybe it's time you start clipping!
On a side note, I may or may not have looked like a cat lady checking out with FOUR bags of cat treats. What can I say? I missed my kitty while I was in West Virginia AND I had some expiring coupons!
Friday, July 23, 2010
You make it easier when life gets hard
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Hello, Summer!
- Jenny's wedding
- Family vacation to West Virginia
- Celebrating Biz's Birthday!
- Celebrating Christopher's Birthday!
- Steph & Greg's Wedding
- Biz's Wedding
- Trip to Chicago (maybe I can check the Bean off my Bucket List!)
- Visit Kat at Ashland
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Something to Think About
That leads to what I saw next. The man, two women, and young boy who were in the van got out and started peeling the "stickers" off of the van. What I thought were stickers were actually just magnets that the owners could put on and remove whenever they pleased. This got me thinking about two things:
why is it that when you get to where you're going you need to remove
the proof of who you really are?
2. What could have possibly happened to these people's car that they
do not feel comfortable leaving the magnets on their car when it
is no longer in their sight?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Furry Friends

Bella relaxing at my parents' house
Monday, July 19, 2010
Bucket List
A page later, I realized that it might take less time to make a list of the things I will not be packing (I tend to be one of those over-packers). Since that's not exactly useful, I came up with the bright idea of creating a "Bucket List," which has been on my Bucket List to do for quite awhile. So since I'm starting my new blog and all, I thought I would share it with all of you. So here we go:
- Pet a koala in Australia
- Go skydiving
- Sit in floor seats at a Cavs game (yes, I'm still a fan!)
- Have a picnic in Central Park
- Sing the national anthem at a professional sports game (preferably the Cavs)
- Go swimming with dolphins
- Ride an elephant!
- Completely finish writing a song
- Make a scrapbook of college
- Visit the Bean in Chicago (and take lots of fun pictures!)
- Help Chris find his biological mom
- Visit the Mall of America (without breaking the bank!)
- Climb a volcano in Hawaii
- Go swimming (slash floating) in the Dead Sea
- Kiss Chris under the Eiffel Tower
- Go to Times Square for New Years Eve
- Visit Carlo's Bakery (you know, from Cake Boss!)
- Go ice skating outside at Christmas-time
- Camp out in the backyard
- Do all of the touristy things in Hollywood
- Spend a week with the girls in Vegas
- Throw an anniversary party for my parents with my sister, Erin (shh, don't tell! And Mom, since I know you're reading this, pretend you don't know)
- Learn how to cook some of my mom's specialties
- Read the Bible all the way through
Some are more complicated than others, but I'd still like to do them all. I'm sure I will be adding to the list in the future, as well! Have a great Monday night!